Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta / Nottingham / Olivia74 / Mainos


Maatunnus: Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta (+44)


37 year old Female from Nottingham, United Kingdom My name is Olivia, my services are for gentlemen aged 25-65year’s of age although must be smart, clean, respectable and well taken care of. I am an experienced, mature, High Class Escort. I am unique from the majority of which you will see for yourself. I ask all my new clients for a face picture or a quick FaceTime, for security reasons only, I don’t meet anyone without one, thank you kindly. I am a very friendly, confident, independent lady, it shows in my fun loving sensual cheeky side of my personality . I am passionate about what I do, …I especially love to please my clients, I love nothing more than seeing them enjoying their time with me. Together we can have some fun! You won’t be disappointed I promise you that. I offer a no rush, absolutely mind blowing service to all my clients. Your time spent with me will feel natural, relaxed and authentic, I will put your mind at ease, as I slip down to my knees taking your clothing with me, while I stare into your eyes with my big green seductive eyes, you will start to tingle all over as I show you the skills I posses with my tongue. However, if it’s only companionship you require with no intimacy I offer that too prices are the same as on my profile. As I’m well travelled in the Uk and abroad, I find it natural to connect with people from all walks of life. Booking with me you will feel comfortable and totally at ease. Your whole experience with me becomes a pleasure!…. look forward to meeting you, I’m sure you will be making this a regular treat. I will travel, however, will require a 25% deposit of the total price via bank transfer to secure your booking, this applies to over night stays also, thank you. Look forward to meeting you, Olivia x


Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
viimeksi päivitetty: 14.03.2025


36 Vuo
170 cm
56 kg
Rinnan ympärysmitta
Hiusten väri


Suu seksi










Seksimainos Escortilta OLIVIA74 – Eksklusiiviset eroottiset elämykset NOTTINGHAM:ssa!

OLIVIA74 on intohimoinen escort sekä hienovarainen prostituoitu ja huora, joka on saatavilla lyhyeksi aikaa NOTTINGHAM:ssa. Unohtumattomia hetkiä kaikille, jotka etsivät erityisiä elämyksiä.

Tarjottaviin palveluihin kuuluu Suihinotto kondomitta, Yhdyntä, 69-asento, Girlfriend Sex, Mällit kasvoille, Suuteleminen, Kielisuudelma, Vibraattori, Striptease – täydellinen aistilliseen läheisyyteen ja hellyyteen, joka tuo mieleen aidon romantiikan. OLIVIA74 osaa tehdä jokaisesta hetkestä erityisen elämyksen ja mukautua vieraiden tarpeisiin yksilöllisesti.

Kiinnostuneet voivat ottaa suoraan yhteyttä +447494780224:een. Tätä mahdollisuutta ei kannata jättää väliin, sillä saatavuus NOTTINGHAM:ssa on ajan rajoittamaa.